Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Music Tuesday

OK, thank God the holiday season is over. We can finally get back to listening to new CDs.

You see, late December and early January are the deadest parts of the year for music releases; it's a time when no labels want to put out discs because folks have spent their cash on the holidays.

So while there aren't a ton of releases this week, we do have a few and we're getting closer to Jan. 23; that's the day when a ton of really great and hotly expected albums hit the street.

Here are the most significant CDs from this week. All will be reviewed in length in Friday's Weekend, which will also include tidbits on Bryan Adams, "Pan's Labrynth," The Blue Turtle in Milford and more. We also have Kori Gardner from Mates of State taking her turn in the mixtape seat. Here are the CDs:

Neko Case"Live in Austin, TX"
New West
three-and-a-half stars

Johnny Cash"Live in Austin, TX"
New West
three stars

Erin McKeown"Sing You Sinners"
three-and-a-half stars

Ron Sexsmith"Time Being"
Warner Bros.
three stars

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