Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tonight at The Space

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Somewhere, maybe on page 321, the Friend Handbook says "thou must publicize friends' gigs in your blog, gosh darnit."

If you don't own the Friend Handbook, you should get one. It'll help you be the best friend you can be. So anyway, I surely want to do my part.

With that said, my friend Jay Kubeck, aka Calvin DeCutlass, will be performing as the featured artist at tonight's Open Mic at The Space. You might know Jay from such good bands as The Tires and The Nortons. Or, from this picture from when we tried out for the Cutters together. (Unfortunately, this one didn't make the paper.)

I usually like to talk about Jay playing at Cafe Nine, but this will give you a chance to have some tea or coffee and enjoy some really good music. Jay writes good songs, which means you should go see him. I'm done now. Hope this is a happy Tuesday for you. Mine stinks.

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